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Speed reading: how to learn to read fast

Saying the text to yourself

It is a habit that many people have had since childhood, when we learn to read and say each word out loud. Over time, this habit takes a different form - we no longer read aloud, we talk the text out loud, some people move their lips while doing so.

It stands to reason that reading this way is out of the question, since one cannot say many words per minute.

Regressive reading

The main hindrance to reading speed is the regressive eye movement to the text you are reading. Why this can be bad: Many people think that rereading a phrase gives a deeper understanding of the text, but in fact it doesn't.

Rereading disrupts the logic of the text and forces us to go back to what we've read over and over again. You can also use online essay writer, in this way you will save your time. Speed-reading experts say that it's best to return to a point after you've read the entire text.

Limited Field of View

People who read slowly have a narrow field of view; it's four to five centimeters. Unfortunately, it is impossible to widen it with training. But with their help you can learn to perceive information, which is located in the area covered by the peripheral vision.

How to learn speed reading
To learn to read fast, use two basic techniques: skimming and scanning. Find some tips on essaywriterhelp.co and made your learning much more easier. Let's talk about them in a little more detail.
Skimming works best with factual material, that is, nonfiction.

The basic idea of skimming: first you read the beginning and end of the text to form a general idea, then you read the first sentence of each paragraph to see if you need more doers or not (if necessary).

Skim reading
is a skill that needs to be honed in practice. I will tell you about the most effective exercises to improve your reading speed.
When practicing on a wedge-shaped table, you should first concentrate on the central column, and then gradually move your gaze down to the side numbers. Your colleagues are already using do my essay and saving their time. The goal is to go all the way down and see the numbers on the left, right, and center at the same time.

Reading with a Pointer

The idea is to move the pointer (or finger) a little more quickly than you can understand the text so the gaze slides forward. Using the essay writer free service you can make time for speed reading. It is important that you keep your eye only on the lines along which the pointer is moving.
After a while you will get rid of the regressions and be able to read without the pointer.

I hope you find the material useful, and that with the help of the described techniques you will master speed reading.

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